Monday, June 29, 2009

something about summer makes me truly enjoy washed out images. they feel warmer for some reason, more pleasant and nostalgic. as if the photo is smiling and whispering to you about peppermint sun tea, salads, berries, late nights, warm days, and inside jokes.

oh! also, I have a kind of, sort of, tan. as tan as I can be, its weird.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

I think I went off the deep end this time. I saw this camera is a photo shop last year and have been completely bonkers for it ever since and now its mine. I love twin reflux cameras. aesthetically they look unique and beautiful, the images they capture are stunning and timeless.... I just cant even wrap my head around it right this minute.
i am so excited i cant even begin to express it via the internet.

my life is awesome.

ps: watch this

Friday, June 26, 2009


I woke up at 5am this morning and went to shoot with a friend of mine, it was a good morning I would say. actually it was a great day all the way around. I felt really good getting so much done before 10am today. I cant wait to have my bike so I wont have to keep borrowing one.
Im going back to hawaii. for much longer this time, Im really looking forward to seeing the swiss family robinson version of kauai. a few of my housemates shoot medium format film cameras... its giving me an itch to shot it. I get torn in the gelatin aspect because of my veganism and blah blah blah. when I read the interview with my favorite vegan photographer and he basically said "you do what you can as a vegan but if photography is your passion then you have to make concessions" ... more and more im starting to feel that he was right. its just a moral tear for me. digital isnt the same, film has its own wonderful qualities.
its a very frustrating situation.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

sincerely yours in the most sincere of ways.

I often feel that what I write here get convoluted or murky. so Im really going to try and be more open about my feelings instead of shutting it all up. maybe it will help explain my photos a bit better. I remember hearing that your art is a look into your soul and lately Im feeling like if you force or fake your art... well, Im thinking you can put the pieces together.

also, i hate the internet and I hate getting "oooohhhh did you see this" in my inbox. so if you are someone who is purpetuating something that has nothing to do with you (and more then likely nothing to do with me), stop it. it isn't fun or funny for anyone involved. grow up, deal with yourself or leave it alone... just leave me out of it. thanks.

my wesbite is almost built!! cameron is doing a fantastic job of building everything and I am really excited about having my own little website. it makes me feel so professional and psudeo adult. oh! I have business cards now too! so adult! a hostile take over is in process, haha.

I am going to go back out traveling again soon too. I want to go to alaska before the end of the year so I can have been to almost every state in the union in one year. ambicious, I know. haha... but I think Ill be dead once I get back (again) from hawaii, we will see. I would really love to see whales. I keep dreaming that I go to see them and there arent any... they are just a myth. come on, I mean I know they aren't a myth or anything but that is messed up. no whales!

I think 2010 is going to be all about new places.
as always.

with love,


Monday, June 22, 2009

Ive been working on photos a lot lately.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

new stuff.

skipping stones.

things are very well! I haven't been online much cause I have been very busy. however, i have fulfilled several life dreams recently one of which was meeting a real life sea lion!

Monday, June 1, 2009

I feel like I never update

these are in no specific order but are from Hawaii:

more to come!