Tuesday, December 8, 2009

some stuff from the last little bit:

camping out on the lost coast^^^^

some train station^^^^

yeah, okay. I am once again behind on everything. which is... normal.
har har har

Sunday, November 15, 2009

oakland station.

stuff Im working on! i climbed that ladder and it was terrifying.
my entire house had an amazing dinner and a group outting. it was awesome.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Oliver - cutest cat ever award

Oliver is the cutest cat in the history if cats.
i swear by it.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

my niece had her very first birthday.
it was cupcake themed.
she sat in her cake.
worth it.

Friday, October 23, 2009

editing has been awesome!

marty mcfly.

its almost becoming a pattern for me. a pattern of basically dying for a month or so and then getting my head back in the game and being on top of it.... then something snaps and I go off and die again. well, this being what is, my muse and motivation (cant believe i just confessed that), I refuse to die again.

Im going to focus and edit a specific number of photos everyday until I am completely done with the projects I have started. I know its in my nature to procrastinate and put off... put that should just stop.
I have finished the "book" from the tour I was apart of at the beginning of the year. I am pretty excited about it. all the footage from said tour will be completed and posted once I acquire ILIFE '09.

my fall 'to do' list is looking pretty awesome and Im excited to check things off of it. it should be a full and fun fall.
also, I am looking to do more weddings. so if you (or someone you know) happens to be getting married in the near future... send me an email, Id love to be in touch.

other happenings? my niece is turning 1 this weekend. we are having a cupcake themed party (which might have been my idea but was completely stolen from me and turned into a monster, as most things are with my family). tomorrow will be spent baking and preparing so the saturday isnt a huge fiasco. it will be cute, photos will be taken. you just wait. (notice in advance: I claim no decorating credit on the large cakes.... only cupcakes... just sayin')
also, seeing brand new tomorrow. what? yeah. Im pretty excited about that. excited enough to mention it here... so there you go.
thats all for now, take care!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I guess one was going to come up eventually, right?

Saturday, July 25, 2009

I had no intentions of posting this here... however it gets getting insanely positive compliments.... so there you have it. it was taken with my cell phone, in a hammock, in my backyard.
Im feeling very irritable today, with no reason as to why. so I will keep this short and sweet.

take care and enjoy your summer.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

click on it and view it bigger. i really like the way this came out. I was going to put it into a pano, but i really like the way the images line up right next to each other like this. the only editing done to this set is some sensor cleaning. the rainbw really was that bright, it was insane. more rainbow photos! haha

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

My housemate, Tarrna, taking a photo of the rainbow.
let me tell you about that rain. it was one of (if not the most) magical rains i have ever experienced in my entire life. being completely serious about this, right now. I went out back to lay in the hammock (its kind of my thing to do when i start to feel stressed out, which i was definitely feeling that day) and it started sprinkling. it was a nice, cold sprinkle. the sun was still out so the light warmth of the sun mixing with the chilly sprinkle not only felt amazing but smelled amazing. I sat up out of the hammock to talk to one of my other housemates while they were jumping on the trampoline and we saw the most bright brilliant rainbow. which resulted in the photo you see above. a little bit later there was a double rainbow. prisms are beautiful, no hippie.

I live with artist's, musician's and the general creative types. it was very intimating at first but I find it to be very inspiring now. its almost as if I wasnt being exposed to what anyone else was really doing and I feel that as a result i wasnt pushing myself to try new things, which may have been the catalyst for my feeling so stagnate. I'm very happy and starting to feel very enamored with everything once again. I have seen several possum's in the garden and its super cool everytime. I still haven't seen any raccoons.... which im told are abundant here... and yet i still see NONE. I told someone here that i was going to build a doggie door and put the dogs food by it so I could stake them out and see them. it sounds so creepy when I type out my plan to see live raccoons.... i wonder if it sounds that creepy when I say it aloud. probably.

I really need to re-calibrate my screen.

Saturday, July 11, 2009


so, I need to hang things up on my bedroom walls. they are kind of white and barren which bothers me more then most of you will ever know. I would like to set up a trade with some friends of mine. i think my friends are awesome artists and amazingly talented.... also, i dont want just anyone hanging up on my walls! if you are interested, let me know. everyone I trade with will get a different photo, drawing or painting (I do stuff other then photos, Im just not as good at it.

I took this photo last year. I plugged my external hard drive into my laptop and was going through some old photos... I actually really like this one, im not sure why I didn't edit it the first time around.

I took a nap this afternoon and it completely messed me up. I think i need to stay awake for the next 24 hours and get myself back where I need to be. I really hate when that happens. I like my sleep schedule to be pretty on point.
also, im really excited about harry potter, you dont even understand. Im sewing a cape together and everything. although the cape wont be harry potter themed and I have wanted one since before harry potter was even a book... I am making one and will probably wear it to the movie (ie: coolest kid there) which is the relevance.

Friday, July 10, 2009

I woke up really early to take this photo. I mean really really early. 5am early. I was thinking "yeah beautiful sunrise photos, amazing lighting... it will be awesome. except nature had other plans. it was extremely foggy and the overcast made for some interesting lighting, but it wasn't what i had hoped for and I am very unsatisfied with these photos. lots of people where out walking their dogs too... it was a weird morning for sure.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

worst luck ever

for the 3rd time in my life i had a light bulb explode in my face. today being time #3. this time it wasn't directly in my face so i actually caught some damage. Im starting to feel like I am one of those people who gets struck my lightening over and over again.... except i just have light bulbs explode around me.
I had to dig a single piece of glass out of left hand, which hurt something awful and made a terrible mess. no stitches though and thankfully the cats didn't play in the glass. my backdrop caught some shrapnel though... had to cut the first bit off of it. whatever, i want to get cloth ones soon anyways.

light bulbs and i do not get along.

Monday, June 29, 2009

something about summer makes me truly enjoy washed out images. they feel warmer for some reason, more pleasant and nostalgic. as if the photo is smiling and whispering to you about peppermint sun tea, salads, berries, late nights, warm days, and inside jokes.

oh! also, I have a kind of, sort of, tan. as tan as I can be, its weird.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

I think I went off the deep end this time. I saw this camera is a photo shop last year and have been completely bonkers for it ever since and now its mine. I love twin reflux cameras. aesthetically they look unique and beautiful, the images they capture are stunning and timeless.... I just cant even wrap my head around it right this minute.
i am so excited i cant even begin to express it via the internet.

my life is awesome.

ps: watch this

Friday, June 26, 2009


I woke up at 5am this morning and went to shoot with a friend of mine, it was a good morning I would say. actually it was a great day all the way around. I felt really good getting so much done before 10am today. I cant wait to have my bike so I wont have to keep borrowing one.
Im going back to hawaii. for much longer this time, Im really looking forward to seeing the swiss family robinson version of kauai. a few of my housemates shoot medium format film cameras... its giving me an itch to shot it. I get torn in the gelatin aspect because of my veganism and blah blah blah. when I read the interview with my favorite vegan photographer and he basically said "you do what you can as a vegan but if photography is your passion then you have to make concessions" ... more and more im starting to feel that he was right. its just a moral tear for me. digital isnt the same, film has its own wonderful qualities.
its a very frustrating situation.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

sincerely yours in the most sincere of ways.

I often feel that what I write here get convoluted or murky. so Im really going to try and be more open about my feelings instead of shutting it all up. maybe it will help explain my photos a bit better. I remember hearing that your art is a look into your soul and lately Im feeling like if you force or fake your art... well, Im thinking you can put the pieces together.

also, i hate the internet and I hate getting "oooohhhh did you see this" in my inbox. so if you are someone who is purpetuating something that has nothing to do with you (and more then likely nothing to do with me), stop it. it isn't fun or funny for anyone involved. grow up, deal with yourself or leave it alone... just leave me out of it. thanks.

my wesbite is almost built!! cameron is doing a fantastic job of building everything and I am really excited about having my own little website. it makes me feel so professional and psudeo adult. oh! I have business cards now too! so adult! a hostile take over is in process, haha.

I am going to go back out traveling again soon too. I want to go to alaska before the end of the year so I can have been to almost every state in the union in one year. ambicious, I know. haha... but I think Ill be dead once I get back (again) from hawaii, we will see. I would really love to see whales. I keep dreaming that I go to see them and there arent any... they are just a myth. come on, I mean I know they aren't a myth or anything but that is messed up. no whales!

I think 2010 is going to be all about new places.
as always.

with love,


Monday, June 22, 2009

Ive been working on photos a lot lately.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

new stuff.

skipping stones.

things are very well! I haven't been online much cause I have been very busy. however, i have fulfilled several life dreams recently one of which was meeting a real life sea lion!

Monday, June 1, 2009

I feel like I never update

these are in no specific order but are from Hawaii:

more to come!

Monday, May 11, 2009

I am in hawaii.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Burning Fight Photos:

So I didn't go to Burning fight... but someone that I know did AND he took so fucking amazing photos. (bg shock, if you have seen his work you know how amazing it is)


go look and play the "hey i know that person" game... it actually is fun.
I did it.

ps: a certain 'eye of the storm' person should probably post his photos... but he wont... I just wanted to mention how uncool that really is. thank you for your attention on this matter.

pps: I am currently in Goleta (north of santa barbara), santa barbara is currently burning to the ground. google that... its terrifying.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

im not really sure what I have or have not posted here... i suppose I should look.
whatever. the start of may will be the start of the 365 photo project. posting one photo a day for a year. I hope it helps get me on track.

Monday, April 6, 2009

i like before and afters.